Calendar and Schedules
Daily Schedule
Morning Arrival
Morning Drop-Off Students who do not ride the bus may be dropped off at the front of the building. The front doors will remain locked until 7:50 AM.
Students will report to R block, whether arriving by walking, car, or bus. We encourage students to grab breakfast when arriving at school. Students will eat breakfast during R block.
R block begins at 8:00 AM.
Homeroom begins at 8:15 AM; Students arriving at class after 8:15 AM are considered tardy.
Afternoon Release
We will begin dismissing students at 3:00 PM. Car riders will dismiss to the west lot. Faculty members will assist parents with traffic patterns in the west lot.
The first load of buses will dismiss at 3:00 PM. We will dismiss the second load of bus riders and walkers between 3:05 and 3:10. Walkers will be dismissed from the cafeteria.
Students who are riding home with one another (on a bus) must provide notes to the office (handwritten or through the attendance line).
After School Events
Students staying for athletic events will need to go home and return at 4:00 PM.